Miracle of  Vengeance ( Part1)

TEXT: Isaiah 34:4


The Almighty God is a Miracle worker, He can perform different kinds of miracles. He can perform;

Creative miracles

Miracles of repair

Miracles of restoration.

But, for this moment, the Lord is ready to perform miracle of vengeance for you. Our God is a God of vengeance.

Deuteronomy 32: 35, Hebrews 10: 30, Micah 5: 15

God can execute vengeance in so many ways; to mention but a few.

1. By returning the double portion of the evil the enemy has legislated against you. Ezekiel 7:9, 1st Samuel 15: 2 – 4

2. By releasing His wrath upon your adversaries.

Nahum 1:2, Exodus 22: 23 -24, Exodus 8:11

3. By releasing the sword of judgement upon your adversaries. Judges 4:16

Prayer points

1.Adore the King of Kings, magnify His Holy name for his wondrous works.

2. My father, arise and execute vengeance on all my oppressors and those afflicting my soul.

3. Father, release the sword of vengeance on all my enemies.

4. Father, wherever they are gathered against me, release your wrath upon them in Jesus name . Amen
