Isaiah 41: 10 -13


  • My father, you are the lifter of heads, send destiny helpers to me, so that my head will be lifted up
  • My father, from directions I am not thinking of, send destiny helpers to me
  • My father, my father, bombard my life with destiny helpers
  • My father, all forces driving away my helpers from me, roast them by fire

Whenever we talking about destiny helpers, there are two major forces that can help you;

  1. Force of God
  2. Your personal force

Various ways God can help your destiny

  1. God can lift up your head. Psalm 3: 3, 1st Samuel 16: 10 – 13. At home, work and abroad , God will send destiny helpers to you
  2. He can send Destiny helpers from where you are not expecting; mark 10: 46 – 52
  3. God can use the insignificant to help you. 1st Kings 17: 4 – 8
  4. God van break protocols for you, Esther is a good example
  5. He can send His prophet to anoint you, 1st Samuel 16: 10 -1 3

Roles to play in personal force

  1. Learn to obey God
  2. Sow help, if you sow help, you will reap multiple help. 2nd Samuel 9, 2nd Samuel 17
  3. Your own force must cooperate with the force of God


  1. This week, your destiny helpers will not miss your location
  2. This week, the miracle of help is coming your way
  3. This week, through insignificant means , help will come unto you
  4. God will send you faithful friends