Grace for the season part 3

Acts 4:33

in the previous lectures, we have established the fact that one of the greatest gift of god to humanity is grace.

We say traditionally grace is unmerited.
We moved further to say that grace is unmerited love and mercy. Grace is also a divine enablement.

In part two of this lectures, we talked about a different kind of grace:

  1. General grace
  2. Sufficient grace
  3. Abundance
  4. Exceeding grace (great grace)

When we are talking about great grace, i like to say that great grace is the highest kind of grace. It is the kind of grace that make you cope with any season

The disciples of jesus christ were carrier of great grace.

When you become carrier of great grace, several thing will begin to happen:
1. When you are a carrier of great grace, you will not lack anything – act 4:34a

When a man is a carrier of “great grace”, he will discover that he would lack nothing. Great grace will make people help you. – 1 kings 17:6

  1. When you are a carrier of great grace, you will begin to experience “first class” fruitfulness

The disciples of jesus enjoyed “first class” fruitfulness because were carrier of great grace. – psalm 1:3

When you are a carrier of great grace, whatever you do will prosper. While others are failing, you will discover that you are prospering. – acts 2:41, acts 4:4, acts 5:14;
from one level of fruitfulness to another

if you will allow god to bestow his “great grace” upon you, you will not lack and you will experience “first class” fruitfulness

Prayer points:
1. Let’s begin to worship the almighty god

  1. Let us thank god for what he has done for the first day, second, and this third day
  2. Father we thank you for giving us the grace to cope with this season
  3. Father arise and destroy all forces contending with my destiny in this season in the name of Jesus
  4. Every satanic pronouncement over my life and destiny and my household, be nullify in the name of Jesus
  5. In this season i will not crash nor sink in the name of Jesus; my children will not crash
  6. My father arise for me at home and in the city, in this month of may let my mouth be enlarge over my enemies
  7. Father in this month of may make me a carrier of ‘great grace’
  8. Father every inherited curse of my family that is affecting my life, it is broken in the name of Jesus
  9. Father i reject every arrow s of shame and disgrace the enemy is shooting at me in the name of Jesus
  10. This month of may be my best month so far
  11. My father arise and put an end to this covid-19 pandemic
  12. Father let your healing wind blow upon as many that have been infected with covid-19
  13. My father, i want to survive in this season; release your great grace upon my life.
  14. By the power of great grace in my life, in this season i will not lack

I will swim in abundance

  1. In the name of Jesus, i shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water. I will not know dryness.
  2. I come against every form of bareness in my life
  3. By the power of great grace, every fruitless effort in my life is terminated in the name of jesus
  4. Lord Jesus by the power of great grace, i will survive this season.