Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1, II Corinthians 3:17

The Almighty is a God of liberty. He is interested in the freedom of his children. He has been using his power to ensure that the captives are set free and that the bound are loosed.

Right from the inception of ages, the Lord has been setting the captives free, losing people from their bondage, opening the door for the prisoners.

In Exodus 12:40-42. God delivered the children of Israel from the pharaonic bondage, they were set at liberty.

Luke 13:10-12. He loosed the woman who was bound by the spirit of infirmity for 18 years and she was set free.

Mark 5:2-19 – The Lord delivered and set him free

Acts 16:25-28. Paul and Silas were bound and put in prison, but the God of liberty came down and set them free. Their bonds were loosed

Jesus declared in Luke 4:18 the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah, that he came to:

  1. preach the gospel to the poor
  2. Heal the brokenhearted
  3. Proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty all those who are oppressed

Jesus was moving around fulfilling this mandate and was setting people free.  Ref Scripture -Acts 10:38