The year 2021, is a year that should be approached with all sense of seriousness. The Lord said that some of the things that happened last year will happen in 2021. We should all pray that we will survive the year 2021.

A new wave is coming to all His children; the glory of the children of God will experience a mighty restoration.

Basic Tips of Survival for the year 2021

*1. Follow Jesus all the way* : make up your mind that you will serve God wholeheartedly in the year 2021. Don’t serve God half-heartedly. Serve God with commitment, without “eye service”.

Matt 22:37

Matt 12:30.

Those who will serve God hypocritically this year will suffer. Make up your mind that you have to become a personal friend of Jesus and foster an intimate friendship with God.

John 15:14. Be closer to God, this is not a year to commit sin every now and then. Live holy lives and put on the garment of righteousness

Luke 6:10, You must pray all the time. You must devote time to fasting and give time to studying the Word of God

*2. Have Faith in God:* Have faith in God.

Having faith means putting your absolute trust in God.

This year put your trust in God and not in human knowledge.

Faith is believing that God will do that, which He has promised.

Matthew 17: 18 – 20, Mark 5: 1 – 20

*3.  You must be a passionate soul winner:* Mark 5: 1 – 20, you have to be a soul winner to survive.

*Prayers* :

My father, my father, the grace to follow you all the way release unto me this year; the grace to serve you all my life with total commitment and the grace to live holy, please grant unto me, in Jesus’name.

Every garment of unrighteousness, garment of unseriousness,catch fire in the name of Jesus.

Every seed of unbelief should be uprooted from my life by fire in Jesus name.

Father, help me to be a soul winner and bring souls to Christ, in Jesus name.

Father, the wisdom to survive, the power to survive, the ability to survive , release unto me;

By the power of the Almighty, I will not crash this year, Father, by your support, I will overcome and I will survive this year in the name of Jesus.